Månadens Expert-tips – Scriptable setup

Månadens Expert-tips – Scriptable setup

Vore det inte smidigt att konfigurera Notes-klienten automatiskt?
Med automatiserad konfiguration är det möjligt!
Genom funktionen “scriptable setup” kan man förkonfigurera Notes-klienten så att användaren slipper mata in uppgifter.

Genom instälning i notes.ini och en textfil med inställningar kan konfigurationen av nyinstallerade klienter underlättas avsevärt.

Parameter i notes.ini
ConfigFile=[textfil med inställningar].txt

ConfigFile=C:\Program Files\Lotus\Notes\Data\setup.txt

Möjliga inställningar

Alla eller endast utvalda parametrar kan användas.

Setting Description
Username User’s hierarchical name — for example, John Smith/Acme
KeyfileName Directory path to the user’s ID file name –for example, c:\program files\lotus\notes\data\jsmith.id
Domino.Name Domino server in the same domain as the user name. You do not need to enter a hierarchical name.
Domino.Address An address for the Domino server, such as the IP address of the server, if needed, to connect to the server. For example, server.acme.com or 123.124.xxx.xxx
Domino.Port Port type, such as TCPIP
Domino.Server 1 to connect to the Domino server, 0 for no connection
AdditionalServices The “Additional Services” panel lists Internet, proxy, and replication settings. The options for this parameter are 1, 0, and -1.

AdditionalServices = 1 means that the panel will display no matter what, even if sufficient information has been provided by the script to complete setup.

AdditionalServices = 0 means the panel will display only if insufficient information has been provided by the script to complete setup.

AdditionalServices = -1 suppresses display of the “Additional Services” panel no matter what.

AdditionalServices.NetworkDial To configure a network dialup connection to Internet accounts created via Additional Services dialog box
Mail.Incoming.Name Incoming mail (POP or IMAP) server name
Mail.Incoming.Password An address — such as the IP address — of the home server, if needed to connect to server
Mail.Incoming.Server 1 for POP; 2 for IMAP
Mail.Incoming.Protocol Mail account user name or login name
Mail.Incoming.Username Mail account password
Mail.Incoming.SSL 1 to use SSL; 0 not to use SSL
Mail.Outgoing.Name Outgoing mail account name, a friendly name used to refer to these settings
Mail.Outgoing.Server Outgoing mail (SMTP) server name
Mail.Outgoing.Address User’s Internet mail address, such as user@isp.com
Mail.InternetDomain Internet Mail domain name such as isp.com
Directory.Name Directory account name, a friendly name used to refer to these settings
Directory.Server Directory (LDAP) server name
News.Name News account name, a friendly name used to refer to these settings
News.Server News (NNTP) server name
NetworkDial.EntryName Name of remote network dialup phone book entry
NetworkDial.Phonenumber Dial-in number
NetworkDial.Username Remote ne twork us er name
NetworkDial.Password Remote network password
NetworkDial.Domain Remote network domain
DirectDial.Phonenumber Phone number of Domino server
DirectDial.Prefix Dialup prefix, if required. For example, 9 to access an outside line.
DirectDial.Port COM port to which the modem is connected
DirectDial.Modem File specification of modem file
Proxy.HTTP HTTP proxy server and port — for example, proxy.isp.com:8080
Proxy.FTP FTP proxy server and port — for example, proxy.isp.com:8080
Proxy.Gopher Gopher proxy server and port — for example, proxy.isp.com:8080
Proxy.SSL SSL proxy server and port — for example, proxy.isp.com:8080
Proxy.HTTPTunnel HTTP tunnel proxy server and port — for example, proxy.isp.com:8080
Proxy.SOCKS Socks proxy server and port — for example, proxy.isp.com:8080
Proxy.None No proxy for these hosts or dom ains
Proxy.UseHTTP Use the HTTP proxy server for FTP, Gopher, and SSL security proxies
Proxy.Username User name if logon is required
Proxy.Password User password
Replication.Threshold Transfer outgoing mail if this number of messages held in local mailbox
Replication.Schedule Enable replication schedule

Inställningar för version 6.5 eller senare

IM.Server Sametime server required.
IM.Port Sametime server port (any positive number)
IM.ConnectWhen (Optional setting) Defines when to connect to Sametime:

  • 0 — At Notes login (default)
  • 2 — Manually
IM.Protocol Use one of these:

  • 0 — Directly to Sametime server
    • 1 — Directly to Sametime server using HTTP protocol
    • 2 — Directly to Sametime server using IE HTTP settings
    • 3 — Use a proxy
IM.ProxyType Required if IM.Protocol is set to 3. Use one of these:

  • 0 — SOCKS4 Proxy
  • 1 — SOCKS5 Proxy
  • 2 — HTTPS Proxy
  • 3 — HTTP Proxy
IM.ProxyServer Required if IM.Protocol is set to 3. Name of Sametime proxy server
IM.ProxyPort Required if IM.Protocol is set to 3. Port of Sametime proxy server (any positive number)
IM.ServerNameResolve Only used if IM.ProxyType is 1 (SOCKS5) but it is not required. Use one of these values:

  • 0 — Disable IM.ServerNameResolve
  • 1 — Enable IM.ServerNameResolve
IM.ProxyUsername Required if IM.Protocol is set to 3 and IM.ProxyType is not SOCKS4

Exempel på setup.txt:
Username=User Name/Acme
KeyfileName=c:\Program Files\Lotus\Notes\Data\username.id

Från och med version 8.5
Skriptet kan innehålla systemvariabler, likt de nedan.

KEYFILELOCATION=c:\user name\IDs\uname.id

Från oc h med version 8.5.1
Parametern CONFIGFILE= kan också innehålla systemvariabler/miljövariabler (system environment variables) likt nedan.

CONFIGFILE=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data\config.txt
Vilket motsvarar
CONFIGFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data\config.txt

Vilket motsvarar
CONFIGFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\config.txt

OBS: CONFIGFILE parametern är den enda notes.ini-parametern som kan hantera fler än en systemvariabel.

Detta måste sättas innan initial start av Notes efter installation.


… dettaa resulterar i att Notes användaren bara ser lösenords-prompten innan notes startas för första gången!

Windows – “%ENVVAR%”
Unix – “${ENVVAR}”

Läs mer om funktionen på IBMs hemsida.
